Tuesday 21 March 2017

 Goodbye Gerringong...

 Hello Audley Dancehall and Cafe.


 Look at this spider, is it poisonous?

 Elliot's epic hot chocolate!


 Our second kookaburra sighting.

 Spot the kookaburra.

 Bridges, bridges and More  bridges!

 Coot club.

 Another one.

 Massive trees with sap seeping out of 
The side.

 Can you see the giant ants?


 Two in one day!

 Our new apartment in Sydney.

 Look at the view!

 And the inside.

 The Post Office Tower!

 Sydney water park.

 Have we been hear before?

 Mark's birthday dinner in a really nice restaurant!
Sydney city at night!!


  1. We are making some wonderful memories William. A great blog. X

  2. We are making some wonderful memories William. A great blog. X

  3. What a fab day, birds, lizards, hot chocolate, eggs, spiders,cake, burgers, candy, ribs, bus, walk, rain, thunder, views, lightning,friends, water, fun and CAKE!! Did I mention cake? Xx

  4. Yes I do agree it was a great day!😎

  5. Like all photos Charlie's hat again and you with tree, Chris with ran gear and all williams photos of birds and animals

  6. Yes, did see the giant ant, and like your comment on coot club. You must have read the book! Everything looks so exciting, even more than the Swallows & Amazon books!

  7. More great photos!!!
    The spider isn't poisonous. It's called a Garden Orb Spider. At night they spin massive webs between trees and plants, to catch insects. Then in the morning you might see them before they hide under a leaf. It feels really creepy if you walk through one of their webs without realising it 🕸🕷
    How great to get the pictures of the Lace Monitor 🦎
    Looking forward to more adventures!!
